On Saturday, April 27, Oak Park Education Foundation held an end-of-year fundraiser at The Stonehaus in Westlake Village. There were over 85 guests at the sold out event. Many new OPUSD familes attended, along with OPEF board members, PTO presidents, and top donors. An overview presentation of OPEF was conducted by OPEF board member, Carmela Barbieri.
A special thank you to Carmela Barbieri and her husband Roberto Piolanti for sponsoring the Stonehaus and OPEF fundraiser. OPEF is looking forward to many more successful future events, to meet our goals for the students of Oak Park schools.
We are ecstatic to report that we met our goal of $10,000 in donations contributed by our fundraiser attendees! OPEF is inspired by their enthusiastic participation in our efforts to raise funds towards sustaining programs our children greatly benefit from within OPUSD, and we look forward to their long-lasting partnership with the foundation.
“Education is the principal agent for change for the next generations to shape a better future. An educated society will make good decisions and do the most to change income inequality. An investment in the Oak Park Education Foundation offers more than ten times the output in results. In fact, it is priceless!”
Advait Shinde, Technology Entrepreneur, Oak Park High Graduate
Contact us:
638 Lindero Canyon Road, #126 Oak Park, CA 91377
(818) 735-3270