At Oak Park High School, the sport of cheerleading sets the bar for young athletes whose core values are to be “Committed, Accountable, Respectful, and give 100% of Effort 100% of the time”.
The vision of the OPHS Cheer Team is to develop strong and confident young adults, through the sport of cheer, preparing them for their next phase of life beyond high school. By setting high standards and expectations, the program teaches valuable life lessons: integrity, work ethic, mutual respect, accountability, and a high level of commitment.
With that vision, the team’s mission is to uphold the pride and tradition of the Oak Park High School Eagles through the unification of the student body, alumni and fans. Creating a positive school image through a balance of academics, extracurricular activities, and good citizenship enhances and strengthens the school community.
Contact us:
638 Lindero Canyon Road, #126 Oak Park, CA 91377
(818) 735-3270